martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017

League of Legends and the bad balance: Rework for Miss Fortune

League of Legends has 133 champions, with some more on the way, among those is Miss Fortune, she is a champion known for her ability to climb elo, the problem is that she is only good at low elo and at the moment of starting to climb you will see that your character is not as good as you thought, you will realize all this when the support of the enemy ADC stuns you, the ADC drops you to basics and believing that you survived come the enemy jungle and for your little escape you give the first blood.
Passing us to her abilities, Miss Fortune has a Q that in her good times took away a lot of life, but at present the damage compared to that of 2013 is very little. Continuing with his W, although it gives us speed of movement with his passive, this is very easy to cancel, since with the simple blow of an enemy subject the bonus that the W gives us with his unique passive is lost. The E in spite of slowing down, does not help to escape the enemy champion, also does not have much damage, and finally and one of the most important errors is that his Ultimate scale in AP which is very bad because our champion is ad therefore buy objects of ad no of ap.
The angle of rebound of the Q of Miss Fortune has gone down that although it is not seen with the naked eye, if it is noticed during the game according to Grenli Ordoñez '' If you compare the previous statistics with the current ones of Miss Fortune in the official page of league of legends it can be seen that the bounce angle of Miss Fortune's Q is notably 0.45 to 0.35 in its R '' (Ordoñez, 2017). Despite everything reported before, some players say that Miss Fortune leaves when it is feedeada and that it is only a matter of knowing how to farm and position yourself well during a team fight.
Miss Fortune is a champion who serves a lot in the low but in elos it does not help much, it is needed more to see her in games, that helps you feel that you can get ahead with your main assures GHOSTCRAWLER '' is exciting when you see that the professionals choose one of your favorite champions, but it's disappointing when you realize that the professional ADC will play practically only with Jhin, Cait, Ashe and Ez, to give an example. '' (GHOSTCRAWLER, 2016), if you know how to play with it you can get a better advantage of the game but it is much easier to play with other ADCs that are broken as you do not need to do anything, they take away a lot of life and are hard to beat, we do not want to end up with the whole team reporting you intentional death so it is important that for the players of Miss Fortune a rework is done and they add certain things that make a game more fair.